Key limes technically come from the Florida Keys, but you can use any kind of lime you like for this delicious raw vegan key lime ice cream! It’s everything you love about key lime pie, in ice crem form!
Sticky Toffee Pudding
What better winter time treat could there be than some sticky toffee pudding, straight from dehydrator? Gooey caramel like you remember from being a kid, but with healthful sweet potatoes and dates instead of refined sugars. You won’t taste the sweet potatoes, but they are the key to getting the texture just so!
Coconut Chocolate Almond Donuts
Donut cravings are real. But you don’t have to succumb to the temptation of the sugary, processed, pre-baked monstrosities! There is a solution, and all it takes is dehydrator and a bit of time! These Chocolate Almond Coconut Donuts are raw, vegan, and made from natural raw ingredients. There is an answer out there!
Hazelnut Chocolate Milk
So many folks grow up drinking milk, and it can be a hard thing to give up, event though it can be so hard on our bodies (not to mention the cows!). Chocolate milk is especially tempting. Well this raw vegan Hazelnut Chocolate Milk even better than dairy! Problem solved.
Strawberry Vegan Donuts
One of the best things about the summer is strawberry season. One of the best thing about life in general is donuts. Boom! Strawberry donuts! Unleash your inner Homer Simpson a little bit.
Carrot Coconut Cake, for Two!
This lovely little carrot cake is a perfect dessert recipe for two! Great for date night, or for an evening with your best friend, or to share with your child!
White Chocolate Strawberry Cheesecake
We’re now well into spring, which is definitely one of the four best seasons. This lovely white chocolate strawberry cheesecake is a perfect treat for celebrating this vernal time of year.
It’s a bit early for fresh strawberries yet, but frozen works just fine! Of course, if you happen to have access to fresh strawbs, you could go ahead and use those instead!
Sweet Potato Cranberry Chocolate Brownies
Sweet desserts made from vegetables are the best! Sweet potatoes work so well in these brownies, it’s a wonder anyone makes brownies any other way. Chocolatey, sweet, and rich — they’re everything you want from a brownie, plus stuff you never even thought a brownie could be! These brownies take brownies to a whole new…
Mini Apple Caramel Tartlettes
‘Apple caramel’ are two words that just belong together. Just seeing them side by side, all snuggled up together and cozy, is enough to make one feel nostalgic warm fuzzies. Of course, caramel apples are the prototypical way to enjoy this star-crossed combination of flavors, but it is equally irresistible in pies, tarts, and crumbles. And this recipe lets you get that lovely experience raw!
One of the start pieces in these apple caramel tarts is the pecan crust. Something stupendous happens when pecans are sweetened. It’s ineffable, it’s magical, and it’s perfect for the holiday season. Or any other time, really! You can’t go wrong with a crust made from pecans.
Pumpkin Spice Chocolate Caramel Cups
We’re well into autumn now, and that means that Pumpkin Spice Fever is upon us! It’s in cakes, it’s in coffees, it’s in muffins. It’s everywhere! People really love the stuff. And yet, so much of the time the pumpkin spice items on the market don’t actually contain any pumpkin!
Nonsense! With these delicious vegan Pumpkin Spice Chocolate Caramel Cups, you get REAL pumpkin and REAL spice! Nothing artificial, nothing weird! Just wholesome, delicious ingredients adding up into one awesome autumn treat. Want to be the most popular house for both trick-or-treaters and their parents this Halloween? Well hand out some of these suckers!
Red Velvet Bars
Ain’t no food coloring in these red velvet bars! That beautiful hue is all from lovely beets!
Beets might not be the first thing that comes to mind when you think red velvet, but really beets are quite sweet and tasty. And throw them together with some medjool dates, all sorts of coconut and a bit of vanilla, and you’ve got yourself an awesome, healthful, raw vegan dessert that everyone will love.
Summer Fruit Cake
Summer is the season for fruit cake! But this fruit cake isn’t like most fruit cakes: it’s a summer fruit cheese cake! This cheeseless cheesecake takes this to heart, with all its lovely summer fruits: apricots, raspberries, and blueberries!
A real eye-catcher, this cake is great for any sort of occasion where you might want to impress people: birthdays, parties, and the like. It’s a great idea to make this fruit cake when you’ve got some friends around, otherwise you very well might be tempted to eat the whole thing yourself!
Raw Tiramisu Brownies
I’ve never been a coffee drinker, but there’s just something about coffee flavored sweets. I don’t know what it is, since I’ve never liked actual coffee. But it’s impossible not to like these tiramisu brownies.
These things aren’t your average brownie, and they certainly aren’t your average tiramisu. Somehow they’re the best of both worlds. Instead of using ladyfingers as is traditional with this delectable Italian dessert, our chef here has appropriately gone for a layer of coffee flavored vanilla cake.
The fact that these tiramisu brownies have coffee flavored vanilla cake as a layer says pretty much all that needs to be said. Decadent doesn’t seem to do it justice. This the cutting edge of dessert goodness. Part brownie, part tiramisu, you’ll want them all the time.
German Chocolate Chia Porridge
They say breakfast is the most important meal of the day. And chocolate is the most important food. So any opportunity to combine healthful raw chocolate with breakfast is an opportunity for success!
This raw chocolate chia porridge almost seems like cheating. You get a sweet, delicious breakfast with honest-to-goodness chocolate in it to satisfy the kid in you, but the adult in you doesn’t have to feel guilty about what you just ate. With the bounty of chia seeds for omega fatty goodness, plus the stimulating effects of cacao, this is a great way to start your day.
Plus it tastes amazing. You might not want to have anything other than chocolate chia porridge for breakfast ever again!
Chocolate Maca Almond Butter Cookies
Votes: 1 Rating: 5 You: Rate this recipe! Votes: 1 Rating: 5 You: Rate this recipe! Print Recipe ServesServes 77 LevelLevel EasyEasy IngredientsIngreds. 88 TotalTotal 10min10min Votes: 1 Rating: 5 You: Rate this recipe! Votes: 1 Rating: 5 You: Rate this recipe! Print Recipe ServesServes 77 LevelLevel EasyEasy IngredientsIngreds. 88 TotalTotal 10min10min Protein powder:…