[notphone][twocol_one] [/twocol_one] [twocol_one_last] Mindful parenting does not mean being a “perfect parent” and is not something you can fail at. It is not easy and it takes practice. In this issue, you’ll learn more about the difference between being mindful and mindful parenting. To include in your preparation, if you are expecting, we have tips…
raw vegan
Blueberry Lemon Cheesecake
A very simple raw cheesecake recipe with lovely blueberry lemon flavour combination, visually really beautiful with the different layers.
Sinking Your Teeth into a Raw Food Diet
If you are already enjoying a raw food diet or perhaps you are about to start, don’t wait until you are experiencing problems with your teeth before you take any action. Being proactive, practicing good dental hygiene and giving your teeth the nutrients they need, you will be able to enjoy the full benefits of raw foods without any worries about your oral health in the future.
The Best Raw Vegan Falafel Balls
What are falafels without the perfect crispy falafel ball? Texture and taste is key. After trying more than a few recipes, I really feel I nailed it! This recipe is fairly easy to make, tastes just like the real thing, and leaves you feeling light!
Fast Food Made Rawesome
A third of American adults eat fast food daily, putting them at risk of obesity, diabetes, heart disease and a whole host of other problems. Making raw versions of your favorite fast food is an easy way to enjoy treats without the excess calories, fat, sugar or salt. Whether you follow a raw food lifestyle…
Chocolate Latte
This latte makes a really great healthy alternative to coffee.
Taco Salads with Pecan “Taco Meat”
Taco Salads are loaded with protein, tons of vegetables and bursting with flavor and crunch! This meal can be made in 5-10 minutes. It’s a matter of how fast you can chop, pulse and top.
Strawberry Coconut Butter
Sometimes the recipes that take the least amount of time have the greatest reward. Snack on anything with this delicious, easy to make Strawberry Coconut Butter!
Time To Ditch Dairy!
[notphone][twocol_one] [/twocol_one] [twocol_one_last] After scorching temperatures of summer, many are looking forward to cozy jumper weather of autumn. Yes! Aren’t we looking forward to the cooler days and darker nights? So may upsides to Autumn’s coming besides the beautiful trees. Can’t you just smell the apples, cinnamon, cranberry and nutmeg? Welcome Autumn and beat the…
Blackberry Super Food Ice-Cream
This recipe is ridiculously easy to make and it tastes amazing. It’s berry and ice-cream season (ok ice-cream is an every season food I know) so I can’t think of a better way to celebrate than by marrying the two into a delicious blend of blackberry super-food ice-cream – raw vegan style.
What is the Raw Vegan Diet? (for newbies)
There seems to be so many different cleanses, detoxes, and diets circulating around that confusion can easily take over. One diet that has been getting a lot of positive attention recently is the Raw Diet. Now, what is the raw diet? What is a Raw Food Diet? In the most basic form, the raw diet…
Power Detox Nut Milk
This power detoxifying recipe drink help cleanse the blood and detox the liver efficiently. Beetroots are highly known as the blood cleanser and a power cure for hangovers, also often used as a medicinal plant and as natural food coloring. High in Vitamin K, calcium, fiber, iron, potassium, folate and various minerals, start including this healing vegetable fruit to your diet today, especially in the mornings for full absorption and to benefit from the power nutrients as much as possible.
No-Churn Spicy Strawberry Sorbet
This no-churn vegan spicy strawberry sorbet takes less than 5 minutes to make and is delicious.
New Issue! Your Ultimate Raw Vegan Summer
[notphone][twocol_one] [/twocol_one] [twocol_one_last] Summer is the best time of the year, and we’re here to make sure that you’re ready to make this your ultimate raw vegan summer. Choosing foods each day that are rich in vitamins and minerals is the best way your body is getting what it needs to be healthy so in…
Raw Vegan Flax Seed Pudding
At the moment everyone is raving about chia pudding. But it’s an overnight thing. This Raw Vegan Flax Seed Pudding recipe only requires 4 ingredients. It’s high in omega-3, high in fiber, quick and easier to make!