These delicious fruity crepes are great either for dessert for an extra special breakfast. There’s nothing quite as charming as the apple caramel combination. These apple caramel crepes are super easy to make — the dehydrator does most of the work! And when your crepes are made from bananas and flax, you don’t even need to feel too guilty if you do decide to enjoy these irresistibly sweet treats first thing in the morning. Maybe wash them down with some sweet, tangy juice!
Vanilla Powder
Caramel Pecan Pie
These great little mini-pies are awesome for entertaining. Quick to make, super-duper delicious, and not too bad to look at, either! This impressive caramel pecan pie has a high payoff for just a little bit of effort. It’s sound economics, people! Or is that taste economics? You decide! Treat yourself and your friends to a little caramel pecan pie!
Vanilla Coconut Doughnut Holes
It doesn’t get much simpler than this for a delicious bite-sized treat! This take on doughnut holes has a grand total of four ingredients. 10 minutes of your time and 2 steps to make. Literally anyone could do it, and the result is a lovely vanilla coconut confection that looks as good as it tastes.
Dates make for an amazing sweetener (as so many great recipes show!) A natural whole food with plenty of sugary sweetness, dates also come packed with actual nutrients and minerals. Sure, sugar is always something you need to be wary of. But in moderation it is a lovely thing, when you can get it from natural, unrefined source!
Coconut Cream Banana Bread Cookies
These cookies are a combination of so many wonderful things! Banana bread, coconut cream, and cookies! You’d be hard pressed to find anyone who doesn’t love any of those things, and these things are all of those things! Raw, vegan, gluten free banana bread coconut cream cookies, and all the ingredients are fruits, seeds, and nuts! Who needs corn syrup??
Cherry and Berries Coconut Cups
Cherries are a truly marvelous tree! Not only do they produce such delicious, gorgeous fruit, but they also create some of the showiest, prettiest puffy flower displays of all the plant kingdom. In cities around the world, spring begins with the unfurling of thousands of these ephemeral pink flowers, which are gone in just a matter of weeks.
Now, the cherries that produce the beautiful flowers are actually different cultivars than the ones which make the yummy fruit. But just look what happens when you combine the sweet, tart flavor of the fruit, with the serene beauty of the flowers! it makes for quite a picture.
Even if you don’t have some gorgeous cherry blossoms on hand, you can still make these delicious cherry and berries coconut cups! They will still be absolutely stunning, both on the plate and in your mouth.
The recipe does call for heating up the cherry juice in order to condense it. If you want to stick to purely raw, you can probably get away with just using 2 tablespoons of uncondensed cherry juice, but the cherry flavor won’t be as intense.
Caramel Apple Rose Tarts
Did you know that apples are part of the rose family? It’s true! you can really see the resemblance in these beautiful caramel apple tarts!
This gorgeous and healthful dessert is a great recipe for any occasion where you want to impress some guests. Just look at stunning thing! It’s almost a shame to eat it. Almost.
The delicious crust is made from dates and figs, and the caramel is dates, apples, and some tasty spices. It may be an apple in the shape of a rose, but dates are really the star player. Not only is this delicious (and did we mention gorgeous?) caramel apple tart raw and vegan, it’s also full of nutritious ingredients. This isn’t junk food!
Raw Caramel Apples
Fall is here, one of the most beautiful times of year. And with the fall come the apples. What better way to celebrate this great season than with one of the best rustic treats of all time: caramel apples!
There’s something magical about this time-honored dessert. It’s a childhood memory that really lasts. One of the great and understated aspects of this old-fashioned recipe is the use of real wooden sticks. It adds a certain element of charm, and really ties in with the season! A great way to create some warm memories with your friends and loved ones ―especially the youngsters!
I can’t think of much that looks as delicious as a plate of caramel apples!
Vanilla Slices
Vanilla has a bit of a reputation. And not a very exciting one.
We say that’s unfair! Vanilla can be just as thrilling as those other spices. Vanilla can get down, too! And to prove it, here’s a sensuous dessert in which vanilla isn’t just providing the ambiance: vanilla is front and center! These perfect little squares are all about vanilla.
How you choose to use with them is up to you. But I bet they’d make for an awesome date-night snack! Move over chocolate, it’s vanilla’s turn to shine!
Playing a supporting role is another delicious thing: coconut! Coconut and vanilla, what could be better?
Raw Double Chocolate Layer Cake
Alright, so this cake is raw, vegan, and double chocolate. But what if I told you it was also low in fat?
This isn’t some marketing gimmick and there’s no hydrogenated weirdness. This double chocolate layer cake is actually just made from oats, fruit and cacao. Can you believe it? This is definitely not the cake I would imagine if someone had told me to envision a layer cake made of oats and fruit. Not before now, anyways.
Lots of really amazing raw vegan cakes and confections rely on the magical creaminess of cashews, and that’s totally awesome. But those nuts are pretty fatty, which is great if you’re looking for a source of essential fatty acids. But sometimes you wanna have a big piece of double chocolate layer cake without feeling all heavy and lethargic (talk about having your cake and eating it!).
That’s where this comes in! All the richness and creaminess you need provided by figs, raisins and oats. Who knew that such a thing was possible?
Raw Strawberry Cheesecake Ice Cream Bars
What a world we live in! Strawberry Cheesecake Ice Cream Bars without cheese or milk. But there’s definitely nothing lacking in these frosty confections!
Strawberries and bananas always seem to make an appearance in delicious vegan nice creams. But this isn’t just ice cream, this is ice cream cake! The ultimate birthday dessert. But it also works for half-birthdays, pet’s birthdays, anniversaries and days of the week.
The maple syrup is an awesome addition. It’s listed as optional, but I would definitely say it’s recommended. Nothing beats that deep dark sweetness of genuine maple syrup! It sure goes well with this Strawberry Cheesecake!
Banana Coconut Omega Smoothie with Chia and Hemp
This smoothie may be the smoothie to end all smoothies, but that’s not why it’s called the Omega Smoothie! With delicious and nutritious chia and hemp seeds, this divine concoction will provide you with all sorts of essential fatty acids, not to mention antioxidants, fiber, protein, and a wide variety of nutrients and minerals. And you’ll need all these healthful nutrients as we head into the summer months of long days and fun nights.
Chia is an awesome little seed. They say they make good pets. I’m not so sure about that, but they do add a lovely gel-like thickness to recipes. Great in smoothies, these little things absorb liquid super fast and will expand to several times their original size. As a source of Omega-3s, they’ve got the advantage over flax seeds of not having to be ground up to be digested.
The rest of the Omega Smoothie ingredients need no introduction! Bananas are the all-stars of the smoothie world, and anything with fresh coconut water is bound to be energizing and refreshing. The dates add a bit of sweetness the way only dates can, and cinnamon and nutmeg round it all off with a subtle hint of spice.
The Omega Smoothie makes for a fine day at the beach. Or, if you don’t have a beach near you, a great way to visualize yourself on one anyways!
Banana Nut Granola Brittle With Apricot and Goji
Part brittle, part granola, it’s branola! Packing the power of sprouted buckwheat and nuts. It takes a little forethought to soak the ingredients overnight, but it’s definitely worth it for all those extra enzymes and nutrients. And because they’re sprouted, they’re easier to digest. And that’s great, because you’re probably gonna find yourself eating a lot of this.
Granola makes for an awesome snack, but so much of the stuff that comes pre-made is loaded with refined sugar and artificial sweeteners. This delicious granola brittle on the other hand is sweetened with fruit and raw honey, adding even more healthful enzymes to the mix. Apricots, bananas, dates and goji berries hold it all together and make for a super delicious snack.
With golden flax, nuts, and sprouted buckwheat, it’s is also a delightful way to load up on healthy your essential fatty acids. Whether you enjoy it as a brittle or as granola; for breakfast or for a nice afternoon snack, this banana nut branola will keep you smiling.