This crispy, refreshing salad is a raw take on a traditional Ukranian salad. Raw broccoli has all sorts of health benefits, including a ton of beta-carotene, zinc, selenium, and Vitamin K. Chopped up small, the broccoli bits add that nice crunchy texture you always need in a good salad. Broccoli: nature’s croutons. Topped with a delicious, nutritious sunflower dressing!
Raw Vegan Lasagna With Cashew Cheese
If you follow the recipes we post here with any regularity, you already know how crazy we are for zucchini. You might know the famous capacity for this undervalued vegetable to become noodles. Well, lasagna is a sort of noodle. And so here we are! Zucchini Lasagna! This amazing lasagna is lasagna without wheat and without cheese! It’s basically a magic trick. But unlike magic tricks, even you can produce it! It’s remarkably simple. All you need is a food processor. A mandolin is helpful but not required!