Chili and cacao are a winning and probably ancient combination. These delicious no-bake brownies have that hint of Aztec flavor to give them just a little bit more character! They should keep for about a week in the refrigerator.
Strawberries Banana Ice Cream Brownie Toppings
It’s amazing what you can do with a few frozen bananas and strawberries. And some cacao, of course! A delicious and totally healthful strawberries and cream brownie ice cream treat!
Avocado Chocolate Mousse
This raw vegan dessert is deceptively simple, and super tasty. Mousse made from avocado will always have a certain quality to it that sets it apart, but that’s totally okay! It’s delicious. Make sure you use an avocado that is plenty ripe.
Crispy Chia Crackers
These simple to make crispy chia crackers are a great snack, for a whole bunch of reason! Packed with calcium, protein, fiber, and antioxidants, chia is a powerfully nutritious food. It’s always nice to have crackers for dips, spreads, and for transporting delicious avocado to your mouth!
Caramel Nut Butter Cups
Peanut butter cups are great, but why limit yourself? The best thing about making your own treats is all the choices you get to make! Do you prefer carob, or cacao? Cashews, or pecans? Sea salt or Himalayan salt? These delicious caramel nut butter cups are a choose-your-own-adventure story, where every ending is blissful. Have your nut butter cups and eat them, too.
Raw Caramel Apples
Fall is here, one of the most beautiful times of year. And with the fall come the apples. What better way to celebrate this great season than with one of the best rustic treats of all time: caramel apples!
There’s something magical about this time-honored dessert. It’s a childhood memory that really lasts. One of the great and understated aspects of this old-fashioned recipe is the use of real wooden sticks. It adds a certain element of charm, and really ties in with the season! A great way to create some warm memories with your friends and loved ones ―especially the youngsters!
I can’t think of much that looks as delicious as a plate of caramel apples!
Chocolate Tacos
Chocolate tacos! And you thought chocolate pizza was out there. Well now if you’re looking to take a little bit of a Mexican approach towards your dessert-version of a classic favorite dish, then why not whip up some chocolate tacos?
Chocolate taco shells, banana ice cream, vanilla nut cream, and chocolate sauce. They may leave you wanting a siesta, but they’re still pretty good for you! A great snack for a hot day.
Like all of Lisa Viger’s fantastic recipes, these dessert tacos can be made for under $10. You’d have a hard time even finding tacos that aren’t made of chocolate for that price!
Neapolitan Nice Cream Banana Split
Nothing says ‘sharing’ like a Neapolitan nice cream banana split! Three different flavors of nice cream, sweet syrupy sauce, creamy banana… Maybe you won’t want to share it after all.
Sure, this recipe might be a little bit more involved than walking down to the grocery store and buying a tub of ice cream. But really, it’s not even fair to compare this with anything you’re likely to find in a store. Coconut oil, raw cacao, and delicious fresh fruits provide way more yumminess than any refined and artificial sugars.
And of course, it’s not just the taste that’s better about this awesome rawsome Neapolitan nice cream! Gone are the days when you had to feel guilty about eating a banana split! And that’s amazing, because there’s hardly anything more comforting in times of need than a gooey helping of syrup covered fruity frozen dessert, and the last thing you want at such times is to feel guilty!
Don’t be shy to mix up the toppings to suit your taste. It’s your nice cream, be creative! Maybe you feel like sharing, or maybe you don’t. Maybe you’re in the mood to celebrate or maybe you aren’t. No matter what the occassion, this Neapolitan nice cream banana split is there for you, in all it’s glorious wholesome deliciousness!