Feeling a little “beet” under the weather? Try this easy and delicious vibrant noodle salad bowl, I’m sure you will feel a whole lot better!
chili pepper
Spicy Chili Mango Soup
An age old question: what’s a fruit, and what’s a vegetable? Are tomatoes, cucumbers, and peppers really fruits just because they contain seeds? Most children feel they know the answer intuitively: fruit is sweet and goes with ice cream and smoothies, and vegetables belong in salads.
This Spicy Chili Mango Soup adds a whole new layer of complexity into this timeless debate. Maybe fruits are vegetables!
With the combination of sweet and spicy, this mango soup has a distinctively Thai feel. There’s no cuisine like Thai cuisine for blending contrasting flavors flawlessly into mouthwatering dishes. Its a world of sweet and spicy, and hot and sour. This soup would fit right in!
Us North Americans could learn a lot from Thai, Burmese and other cuisines from distant lands. How to use sweet fruits with savory dishes is right at the top of that list, and it might topple the age-old divide between fruit and vegetables once and for all.