Fermented foods and probiotics have long been a part of a healthy human diet. Pickles, sauerkraut, kombucha and kimchi are just a few of the ingenious methods human beings have developed to boost our immune systems and help sustain our precious gut microbes.
All of those fermented foods are great, but none of them qualify as dessert. And that’s where these probiotic raspberries come in! Combining the powerful nutritional advantages of probiotic cultures with the wholesome deliciousness of natural raspberries, this simple recipe is another fantastic way to add fermented foods to your diet.
Once you’ve made up a batch of these probiotic raspberries, there’s all sorts of things you can do with them. They are great just a snack by themselves, or you could add them to your favorite raw ice cream. You could use them to add a probiotic punch to a yummy smoothie, or mix them in with your breakfast porridge.
No matter what you do with them, you can’t go wrong. Sweet, simple, and probiotic. It’s a home run.