Sometimes you need a snack that you can take with you and go. Nothing suits that purpose better than some tasty granola bars. An awesome energy and nutrient-rich snack that you can take with you to work or on the trail. With all manner of nuts and seeds, plus a good helping of chocolate to keep things interesting.
Spinach and Mushroom Mango Dumplings
Raw Dumplings Recipe and Ingredients Votes: 1 Rating: 5 You: Rate this recipe! Votes: 1 Rating: 5 You: Rate this recipe! Print Recipe ServesServes 1616 LevelLevel ModMod IngredientsIngreds. 1010 TotalTotal 45min45min Votes: 1 Rating: 5 You: Rate this recipe! Votes: 1 Rating: 5 You: Rate this recipe! Print Recipe ServesServes 1616 LevelLevel ModMod IngredientsIngreds. 1010…
Delicious & Healthy Carrot Cake Bites
Aren’t these adorable? You certainly don’t have to make this delicious carrot cake as bite-sized hearts, but it’s just so cute that you might as well! This delicious carrot cake recipe has some surprises in it. Like dried mulberries in the cake layer, and coconut water in the frosting. Enjoy it either as one big cake or as scrumptuous little bites!
Gingerbread Date Balls: A Protein Rich Snack
Ooey gooey cinnamon gingerbread, as a protein snack? Why not! What better way to reward yourself after a stimulating work ou than with some delicious gingerbread date balls? With real ginger, these delicious treats will also help you to digest and to reduce inflammation.
Caramel Pecan Pie
These great little mini-pies are awesome for entertaining. Quick to make, super-duper delicious, and not too bad to look at, either! This impressive caramel pecan pie has a high payoff for just a little bit of effort. It’s sound economics, people! Or is that taste economics? You decide! Treat yourself and your friends to a little caramel pecan pie!
Strawberry Coconut Cream Smoothies
What makes this smoothie so darn pretty? Those in the know, know! Can you guess? It’s pretty obvious once you’ve figured it out.
That’s right! It’s a little bit of beet. And a little beet goes a long way. Not only are they nutritious and delicious, but they make for a wonderful natural and healthy food coloring. Whip up a strawberry coconut cream smoothie right now, and feel the beet!
Eggplant Tomato Wrap with Spicy Sweet Chili Sauce
There’s nothing like a good wrap! It’s like a salad sort of, but only better. These raw vegan eggplant tomato wraps are crunchy, spicy and filled with lots of flavors! They make for a great lunch or dinner. It’s a whole new way to enjoy eggplant!
Vanilla Coconut Doughnut Holes
It doesn’t get much simpler than this for a delicious bite-sized treat! This take on doughnut holes has a grand total of four ingredients. 10 minutes of your time and 2 steps to make. Literally anyone could do it, and the result is a lovely vanilla coconut confection that looks as good as it tastes.
Dates make for an amazing sweetener (as so many great recipes show!) A natural whole food with plenty of sugary sweetness, dates also come packed with actual nutrients and minerals. Sure, sugar is always something you need to be wary of. But in moderation it is a lovely thing, when you can get it from natural, unrefined source!
Hazelnut Carob Truffles
Do these look familiar? They might remind you of a certain popular hazelnut chocolate treat you tend to see a lot around this time of year. But these ones are so much better! Mulberries, dates, carob, and hazelnuts! That’s all you need for a divinely delicious Holiday treat that you can easily share with friends and family!
Dates and carob make for a wonderful raw dessert treat. With these hazelnut carob truffles, you don’t have to worry about any GMO soy, refined sugars, dairy, or gluten. Simple nutritious foods provide all the yummy sweetness you could ask for!
Vegan Lemon Blueberry Parfait
t may not be blueberry season, but there’s all kinds of great things you can do with frozen blueberries! And what could be better than a guilt-free lemon blueberry parfait? The tangy lemon is a nice foil for the sweetness of the berries, and dates and agave round out the sweetness. All you need is a few minutes and a food processor to make this delicious, relatively healthful blueberry parfait.
Mini Apple Caramel Tartlettes
‘Apple caramel’ are two words that just belong together. Just seeing them side by side, all snuggled up together and cozy, is enough to make one feel nostalgic warm fuzzies. Of course, caramel apples are the prototypical way to enjoy this star-crossed combination of flavors, but it is equally irresistible in pies, tarts, and crumbles. And this recipe lets you get that lovely experience raw!
One of the start pieces in these apple caramel tarts is the pecan crust. Something stupendous happens when pecans are sweetened. It’s ineffable, it’s magical, and it’s perfect for the holiday season. Or any other time, really! You can’t go wrong with a crust made from pecans.
Strawberry Red Velvet Cake
Strawberry Red Velvet Cake Recipe and Ingredients Votes: 2 Rating: 4 You: Rate this recipe! Votes: 2 Rating: 4 You: Rate this recipe! Print Recipe ServesServes 88 LevelLevel HardHard IngredientsIngreds. 1212 TotalTotal 1hr1hr Votes: 2 Rating: 4 You: Rate this recipe! Votes: 2 Rating: 4 You: Rate this recipe! Print Recipe ServesServes 88 LevelLevel HardHard…
Peppermint Chocolate Fudge
Mint and chocolate go together like… pumpkin and spice. While pumpkin spice will have you thinking Fall, there’s something particularly wintery about mint chocolate. As our days grow shorter and colder, what better time to curl up with a delicious, chewy plate of raw peppermint chocolate fudge? With only a handful of ingredients, this recipe can easily be thrown together. It’s a great one for sharing with family and friends!
You can either buy nut butter from the store, or you can make your own! Simply toss a couple of handfulls of almonds into your food processor, and process until the nuts release their oils and break down into a smooth consistency. You can speed the process up by heating the nuts in an oven for up to 10 minutes, but it isn’t necessary.
Mini Strawberry Cheesecakes
These lovely mini strawberry cheesecake bites are great for snacking on and for sharing. With just a handful of ingredients, you can whip ’em together pretty quick, but they look so fancy they’re bound to impress! And with all the magic sweetness of dates, you won’t need to add any sugar to these delicious non-cheese cakes!
Apple Pecan Pie
Raw food is delicious, flavorful, and healthy. Even when it’s pie! It’s almost unfair.
You’ve probably had apple pies, and you’ve probably had pecan pies, but you may never have had an apple pecan pie like this before. The pecans actually serve as a basis for the crust in this tasty, simple to make apple pie. This recipe is great for when you don’t have a fully-stocked kitchen to work with: all you need is a food processor or a blender, and a pie pan or casserole dish. Even you college students out there can make this one!
The mixture of green and red apples is an interesting touch that provides for a subtle mixing of slightly different flavors in the pie filling. Dates and figs, of course, make up a good portion of the ooey-gooeyness of this delicious raw dessert.