t may not be blueberry season, but there’s all kinds of great things you can do with frozen blueberries! And what could be better than a guilt-free lemon blueberry parfait? The tangy lemon is a nice foil for the sweetness of the berries, and dates and agave round out the sweetness. All you need is a few minutes and a food processor to make this delicious, relatively healthful blueberry parfait.
coconut flakes
Turmeric and Mango Smoothie
Yellow is considered the color of optimism and pleasure. And you’ll have plenty to feel optimistic about once you’ve harnessed the power of this pleasantly yellow smoothie!
Turmeric is a fantastic spice. It’s actually a close relative of ginger, which also shows up in this smoothie. Like ginger, turmeric is a wonderful anti-inflammatory food that has been valued for its healing properties since time immemorial. And mango — well, what needs to be said about this lovely squishy fruit? There’s hardly a fruit in the world more suited for smoothie magic.
A little bit of coconut flakes add a little bit more of that special yumminess only coconut can bring. Another smoothie for the hall of fame. And that bit of ginger with the mango — manifique!
Raw Chocolate Caramel Pie
Votes: 3 Rating: 5 You: Rate this recipe! Votes: 3 Rating: 5 You: Rate this recipe! Print Recipe ServesServes 66 LevelLevel EasyEasy IngredientsIngreds. 88 TotalTotal 45min45min Votes: 3 Rating: 5 You: Rate this recipe! Votes: 3 Rating: 5 You: Rate this recipe! Print Recipe ServesServes 66 LevelLevel EasyEasy IngredientsIngreds. 88 TotalTotal 45min45min We have…
Almond Banana Brittle Cookie Squares
The aroma of the Almond Banana Brittle Cookie Squares drying in the dehydrator is equivalent to baking chocolate chip cookies in the oven! One of two things almost happened… I would pitch a tent in my pantry to camp out below the dehydrator or I was going to bring the machine into my bedroom. It was just heavenly. One thing I noticed when I had switched to a high raw diet was that my sense of smell really developed and trust me, this bar caused my nose to go into hyperdrive mode!
These bars are firm, crispy and chewy all in one. My husband loved the ones with chocolate the most, but then he does love chocolate. The combination of the almonds, bananas and chocolate created a wonderful medley of flavors. Bob and I bantered back and forth a bit as to what to call them… bars? cookies? He thought they were too thin to be bars and well, I didn’t think the square shape reminded me of a cookie. We playfully duked it out… we met in the middle… Almond Banana Brittle Cookie Squares. LOL He walked away smiling as he went to eat another one.
So call them bars, call them cookies, call I’ll want one when you make them.
Double Lemon Bar Sorbet Tarts
One of my favorite winter fruits is LEMONS!! Not only do I love the taste of lemons, I love that it is one of those ingredients that can be used in either sweet or savory dishes. Most of the time I like the savory side of life. Sometimes I like the sweet side too. With these DOUBLE LEMON BAR SORBET TARTS, I get to enjoy both!