Mmm, corn chowder! Creamy, hearty, comforting. Making soup in a blender is super easy, and preserves all those delicious nutrients and phytochemicals. This vegan corn chowder is made creamy by avocado and unsweetened almond milk (you can substitute for other non-dairy milk if you have almond allergies). The rich flavors are rounded out with paprika, garlic, lemon and — believe it or not! — vanilla. Great as a side or as a main dish.
Rainbow Slaw With Pumpkin Seed and Kale
Looking for something to do with all those pumpkin seeds you just scooped out of your jack-o-lantern? Well how about use them as a garnish on a delicious salad as colorful as autumn itself?
This slaw isn’t fermented, but that means you can whip it up easily in just a few minutes without any preparation. However, if you like to make your own “real” coleslaw, you can substitute that for the 2 cups of cabbage for an even tangier rainbow slaw!
Vegan Avocado Ranch Salad
One of the great advantages of salad is the opportunity to mix and math it up with whatever veggies are seasonally available. This ranch salad, inspired by the bounty of local organic farmer’s markets, can be changed up to reflect whatever greens and veggies are currently around, or whatever captures your particular fancy.
The real heart of a ranch salad is, after all, the ranch dressing. Here we have a raw vegan alternative to one of the most popular salad dressings around. With an avocado base, this is a creamy ranch salad. So take heed! if you’re the type who prefers a thinner, lighter dressing, just add more almond milk til you arrive at your own personal perfect.
Spicy Chili Mango Soup
An age old question: what’s a fruit, and what’s a vegetable? Are tomatoes, cucumbers, and peppers really fruits just because they contain seeds? Most children feel they know the answer intuitively: fruit is sweet and goes with ice cream and smoothies, and vegetables belong in salads.
This Spicy Chili Mango Soup adds a whole new layer of complexity into this timeless debate. Maybe fruits are vegetables!
With the combination of sweet and spicy, this mango soup has a distinctively Thai feel. There’s no cuisine like Thai cuisine for blending contrasting flavors flawlessly into mouthwatering dishes. Its a world of sweet and spicy, and hot and sour. This soup would fit right in!
Us North Americans could learn a lot from Thai, Burmese and other cuisines from distant lands. How to use sweet fruits with savory dishes is right at the top of that list, and it might topple the age-old divide between fruit and vegetables once and for all.
Kelp Noodle Pad Thai
Thai food is awesome. Crisp, fresh, with a little bit of tang and sweetness, and always so colorful! With this refreshing take on an old favorite, you get all the characteristic taste of a great pad thai, all with wholesome raw ingredients!
The kelp noodles are probably the most intriguing aspect of this pad thai. Kelp is an awesome food, packing a broad spectrum of micronutrients like sodium, potassium and iodine which helps keep your thyroid in good order. It also contains all 9 essential amino acids, and all this in a low-calorie package.
Add to the kelp some tamari, tahini, ginger and miso, and you’re in for an exotic tasting treat. There is a fair amount of ingredients in here, but it’s all awesome stuff and it really isn’t too much work to get it all together. And the gorgeous medley of colors and flavors that you’ll be rewarded with makes the time spent chopping more than worth it. Kelp Noodle Pad Thai is a fantastic dish when you’re looking for a taste a little out of the ordinary!
Spinach Pesto Pizza
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