Please enjoy this exclusive interview with Fabianna Marie, a mother, wife, movement-starter, Miss Pink 2017, and all-around inspirational force to be reckoned with who has been fighting cancer for over 10 years.
Listen or read along as she shares the day to day lessons of living a full abundant life with cancer without letting it define who you are.
Audio length: 41 minutes
Cancer is what I have, not who I am.
Hello! This is Sara Grove with Raw Food Magazine, and today I’m super excited to get to chat to our guest. She is an award winning author, her first book came out last November, I believe, the National Association of Professional Women’s Woman of the Year for 2017, speaks nationally as a breast cancer advocate and was Miss Pink for this year as well. So please welcome Fabianna Marie. I’m so glad to have you.
Fabianna Marie: Thank for having me, I’m so excited.
Sara Grove: So you are the founder of where you share your story and do us the huge grace to share the nitty-gritty details of your life living and battling cancer for over ten years. And so, I don’t know if you knew this but five years ago our very first guest at Raw Food Magazine was another breast cancer survivor and we haven’t had that story since. And with the amount of just diagnoses and happening younger and younger, I mean, you were diagnosed at 27, have undergone over 150 rounds of chemotherapy and radiation which is just insanity to me. And in this time period you have done so much work and shared your story and also become certified in raw vegetarian and vegan cuisine and naturopathic healing with so much to cover. But first if you could just tell us a little bit about yourself and give us some context of who you were, what you were doing back when you were 27. Did you have any clue this diagnosis was coming?
Fabianna: No, I did not. It literally stopped me quite literally dead in my tracks. So I was 27 years old; I had a one year old daughter and during my pregnancy, during the nine months I had a lot of health complications that really were unexplained. And after having my daughter they found out that I had an autoimmune disease called lupus. And at that point we knew we couldn’t have any more children because a lot of my organs were being compromised and the pregnancy really did a number on not just me but my organs itself. And so we went to the doctor and they told us, “maybe you should have…” I had really large breasts at the time maybe, “maybe you should have a breast reduction just to kind of get some weight off the joints,” because I was fairly tiny. So I went in for a consultation, and literally went in from the consultation to a mammogram, an ultrasound, a biopsy and within 24 hours was told that I had breast cancer.
Sara: Wow.
Fabianna: Yeah, so a devastating diagnosis, and definitely was not expecting it at the age of 27, especially with a one year old daughter. And two weeks later was going in for a partial mastectomy, which at hindsight 2020 we kind of wished that I had pushed harder for a full mastectomy, because had I pushed harder for the full mastectomy I probably still wouldn’t be going through what I’m going through right now; afterwards finding out that I was brought to braco one positive, triple negative, invasive, metastatic. So we’ve been here, there and everywhere with experimental treatments and with not only chemotherapy and radiation, but also digging deeper into the naturopathic form of healing.
And so after getting my certification for raw food, vegan, vegetarian cuisine, I dug a lot deeper into healing foods and essential oils, and eventually this year I completely got myself off all not natural ways of healing. So now I am literally healing myself with foods, essential oils and soqi bed actually, which is infrared technology. So I’ve been doing it for about a year, and it’s actually having amazing, amazing benefits and effects on the cancer actually, the tumors are shrinking and even without chemotherapy. So doctors have essentially written me off, and I’ve said, “What? Then I will do it my own way.”
Sara: I want to dive into all of those things that you’ve learned and experimented with, but I’m so curious to hear your perspective because all sorts of people, whether it’s cancer or another or chronic conditions, there’s a lot of people at younger and younger ages facing tough diagnoses. And so, what would you suggest? Because you were kind of saying traditional medicine tends to give you a certain limited number of options, and for a lot of people they don’t venture outside of that, what would you recommend if someone is facing a diagnosis like this? What kind of support? What do you wish you had known or wish you had had around you at that time?
Fabianna: So, at that time I wish I had had somebody in my life that opened my eyes to the fact that all of our insecurities and all of something around health and thinking that doctors know best stems from fear, and the fear tends to hold us back from a lot in our life, and education is key. Like I said, a lot of doctors at some point — I mean, I’ve had multiple doctors and at some point though the doctors would say, “We’re only giving you about three years, we’re only getting about four years,” I’m at year-twelve this month. And I don’t know why that they feel that that’s okay to say, I don’t know why they feel like…Because there’s always something new, and there’s always other treatments and it doesn’t necessarily mean allopathic treatment, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you need to be jacking your veins with chemotherapy all the time, because chemotherapy is literally just killing everything off, it’s killing all the good cells as well.
Sara: Right, and then there’s a lot of rebuilding that needs to happen from that.
Fabianna: And that’s exactly what happens. A lot of people don’t, they don’t understand that once you’ve gone through chemotherapy or you’re in chemotherapy that you continually need to fuel your body in order to do so. And it’s so difficult while you’re going through it because obviously the nasty effects of chemotherapy, but the one thing that I did do throughout my entire process of chemotherapy was juicing; because I knew I was getting the nutrients I needed from the juice so whether or not I could eat or whether or not I was either vomiting or whatever at least I was getting some nutrients.
Sara: That’s amazing. Had you heard about that? How did you know that that was an option? Or was that something you had done in your life previously?
Fabianna: No, it wasn’t. I literally just started learning, I really just started digging deeper into our foods and digging deeper…and I just started reading and I started questioning and I started asking people that I knew were in the health world. And I actually took a yoga class, which I’m not a yogi, I prefer Pilates, but I took a yoga class thinking, “Okay, I want to dig a little bit deeper.” And I actually met a woman there who was a raw foodie, and she was the one, I mean, the yoga class wasn’t definitely for me, but this woman definitely was. I was definitely put in the right hands at the right time, and after class we ended up sitting there for about two hours and she’s the one that really educated me about raw food and nutrients and what it can do for your body.
So I literally just dove into learning all I could, which is why I ended up getting certified; because there was nothing better to me than to hear that you could heal with whole foods and you could heal your body from the inside out instead of feeling like crap all the time. And that’s literally what was happening, was that, of course, I was having the chemo, but I never had to stop taking chemo, which a lot of people have to do because their blood work and this and that, and the doctors were amazed that my blood work always stayed great, my levels didn’t drop and they were like, “We’re jacking you full of chemo,” where I should be, number one, either hospitalized or I should be, you know, not being able to function. And on most days, I could function, but I was fuelling my body with what I needed.
Sara: Wow, that alone is just amazing. And obviously you have a lot, I mean, is your online home, there’s such a passion and a fight and energy to you, is there any, like, what about you or your world or your mentality? What do you think helped you take when doctors are telling you three years, four years that’s all you have and you decided not to necessarily believe them? Where did you find that gusto?
Fabianna: Yeah. I definitely had my days, I had my days of like,”You have got to be kidding me.”And I still have those days.There’s no preparation for a cancer diagnosis or there’s no preparation for anything this life changing and life altering; but my biggest thing was I had a daughter that was looking to me for not just answers but how I lived my life. So her watching me was huge, because I wanted her to see somebody that was strong and that would fight for everything; because essentially I was fighting for her, I was fighting for my husband and I of course I was fighting for myself. But I always knew that there was this light and that it wasn’t my go-to light really like light over my head of like you just need to keep pushing and keep learning and keep growing because every time they would say, “Oh, we were going to give you three years, we’re going to give you five years,” I literally turned that around and I was like, “I’m giving myself 25 years, I’m giving myself 75 years,” I never ever say, “well, okay, I’m just going to live these five years,” I always wanted more, I pushed for more, and I educated myself more.
Sara: That’s amazing, and was that for your husband, for your daughter? Are they on board too? Are they able to keep that same mentality?
Fabianna: Yeah, we kind of call it like a tag team, just for the sheer fact that not everybody has the same good days, not everybody has the same bad days so we kind of call it tag teaming. So when I’m happy having a bad day I tap in my husband Dave and it’s almost like you can’t have a bad day if I’m having a bad day.
Sara: Right, we got to spread it around.
Fabianna: Exactly, so we’re pretty good at tag teaming when it comes to his bad days, my good days, my bad days. As a family we meditate together. The whole emotional piece of this puzzle is literally what has held us all together and what has really just pushed us further into the process of just learning more. And not just myself, my daughter, I mean, we never sugarcoated anything for my daughter because I never wanted her to feel like we were either lying to her or if God forbid if something happened to me. So by the age of two my daughter knew the word chemotherapy, she knew the word cancer, she knew what they meant. We never sugarcoated anything and was like,”Oh, mommy has a boo, boo or this or that,” because I never wanted her to feel like, “oh, she had a boo, boo, then she was vomiting in the toilet and she was having shots all the time or she was…” So we were very open and honest with her, and believe me, we got some lash back from that, but we’ve got more positive feedback because she’s so educated herself.
Sara: The honesty is as huge, that goes — because kids are so perceptive, they know what’s going on even if we call it something it’s not.
Fabianna: Yeah, exactly, and obviously she’s our only child, but she is light years beyond and she’s now a ballerina and she dances. I don’t want to say professionally, but she is with a company and she completely knows her own body inside and out and how she needs to fuel her own body for what she does. So I think it was such a learning tool for all of us, and even my husband; because my husband wasn’t a vegetarian. I literally was cooking two different meals and all the sudden one day he’s like, “I’m going to become a vegetarian,” and I laughed at him, and I said, “I’m going to give you about ten minutes.” And I think between all of the education that I had learned within two weeks of him becoming a vegetarian, he was like, “I feel completely different. I feel better.” He was having heartburn and he was having issues himself. So even the education for him was huge and he’s one of the healthiest people I know, literally like no colds, no like…seriously.
Sara: That’s wonderful. So let’s talk let’s jump in a little bit to the practical side, so what are some of the things that you’ve tried while you’re on this fight, this crazy educational journey?
Fabianna: So I went completely — when I was doing chemotherapy, for a large portion of the chemotherapy that I was doing, I went completely all raw and it was amazing and I felt amazing. And I will eventually transition back to all raw food; but it’s not as practical as – especially in New Hampshire- because we don’t live in a state where we get the abundance of fruits and vegetables that say a State like California does. Summer is my favorite time just because we have farm stands and we have organically grown farm stands and so summer is my favorite time just because we have an abundance of it. So I stay mostly raw during the summer months and spring and summer but, yes.
So raw food has been a huge piece for me, but then I attended a cancer seminar or actually Dave and I attended a cancer seminar and the woman was speaking about essential oils and that was the piece that we were actually missing. So we transitioned to the essential oils, which we would rub on my spine and we rub on it the bottoms of my feet which opens up the lymphatic system. And the essential oils have been a huge piece, because there are so many essential oils that actually start to not only detox your body, but will start to shrink tumors, will kill off cancer cells, so that’s been a huge piece for us. So like I said, we’ve really educated ourselves and tried to educate ourselves for the best route for us possible. And I’m not saying that this works for everybody. I’m in no way giving the green light for anybody to be like, “Oh well, I’m just coming off chemotherapy and I’ll do essential oils and raw food and I’ll be healed,” that’s not at all what I’m saying. For me, this is what is working right now, but I’m very diligent about it. We do essential oils in the morning, we do essential oils at night. I do essential oils in my water, I do mostly raw food and we have the other piece which is the soqi bed which is infrared technology. So it essentially looks like a tanning bed, but it’s not; it’s infared heat and I’ve done…And you can check it out on my website too; I did a soqi bed protocol. The first protocol I did was 72 hours I believe, or close to 72 hours that I was in the soqi bed for an hour, I’d get out for 15 minutes, go back in. And the bed essentially heats up to 133 degrees so you’re in there. But it has been an essential tool in literally healing and a piece of shrinking the cancer, and finally ridding my body of it, if you will.
Sara: Have there been anything that’s been just a total dud, like, things that you’ve tried that you put aside because it didn’t have any noticeable impact?
Fabianna: Yes, this was actually quite recent that somebody was like, “Oh my gosh, you need to do complete, like, all protein diet, no carbohydrates, no this, no that,” it was essentially the ketogenic diet and it did not work for me, my body…And for some people it may work, but it just did not work for me. And it actually exacerbated my symptoms, and so definitely did not work for me. So I went back to my whole food, and I wasn’t eating animal protein, but I was eating a lot of – well, come to find out one of the products actually had animal protein in it, which I was not aware of till actually today, and we kind of figured it out after reading the label. So I will say people need to read your label, because there’s a lot of derivatives and certain proteins that are not plant-based.
Sara: I know that could be my mantra for grocery shopping for every humans, read the labels.
Fabianna: Read the label, yes, and if you don’t know what something means, look it up. I mean read any label and not know what any of the ingredients are on the back of the package and just because somebody says it’s okay they’re like, “Okay, this is great.” No, do your research.
Sara: In the general, actual food should be easily recognizable.
Fabianna: Exactly, yes.
Sara: So you’ve got the most success with the raw food, the essential oils, your infrared bed, are there any resources or mentors or people that…you’ve met that woman in an your yoga class and it seems that was kind of a pivotal moment, is there anything else?
Fabianna: I did, and you probably know her because she’s a huge raw foodie, it’s Alyssa Cohen. Do you…?
Sara: Oh, yes.
Fabianna: Yes, so she has been a huge mentor of mine, and I love her. And she’s the one that I got certified with, and she’s just amazing and the knowledge that she has is just crazy amazing. But yeah, so she’s been a great mentor to me, but I mean, I’ve met so many people along the way, you know, not just educators, but just people in general that are really good people that want to do better and not just not just food wise but like the emotional piece. I literally had to find my gratitude, learn to really meditate, learn to take care of myself and that’s a huge piece especially for a wife, a mom, I’m a business woman, and being able to actually take care of myself on a daily basis, I’ve had to put it into my schedule. Sometimes the piece that we miss – not just as women, but as humans – we run ourselves ragged 24 hours a day and then by Saturday we’re like, “uhh.”
Sara: Yes, I’ve got to tell you Fabianna that’s a story I hear too many times is how much sometimes it takes something like this, some life changing news to motivate people to actually start spending time on themselves. I still don’t exactly understand why it’s so hard for people to prioritize their own personal…
Fabianna: Unfortunately, we’ve become that 24/7 society where restaurants are open 24 hours now, banks are open Saturdays and Sundays 24 hours, and we never shut down. It wasn’t like it was 50 years ago when the weekends were for family and we actually took care of ourselves and we actually took the time out and the time to enjoy life; we’re just this constant go, go, go society, it’s always more,more, more. Well, I think really what we have to look at is just what about today? What about the moments that you’re sharing with people today? And I think that’s the biggest lesson. Why can’t we be happy in the now instead of worrying about tomorrow?
Sara: Absolutely, and speaking of today, walk us through a little day to day. What are some of the things, I mean, you’re a mom, you’re writing, you’re speaking, you’re a wife, you have all these different roles to play, all these needs you fill and so you mentioned having to schedule time into your day to focus on you and to do the things you need, what are some of those things like a typical day to day that you do to keep yourself mentally, physically, emotionally where you need to be?
Fabianna: So I begin and end each day with at least 15 minutes of meditation. So when I get up in the morning before I actually even step out of my bed I’m doing meditation in the morning, because that’s really what centers me and what kind of gets me going for the day and then that’s what shuts me down at the end of the day, because if not, I’m like a lot of people where I can’t shut my mind off at the end of the day so I’m constantly doing, I’m constantly thinking, I’m constantly overthinking what people would say. And so those are the two things that I’ve definitely incorporated in my day. But yeah, I mean most of my days are busy, and even this week I’ve had to focus on — I have something going every day this week, and not just during the day, but at night. I have events this week and I literally had to think about how I was going to reserve energy for this week. So on Sunday I literally had to shut it down, I literally was like, “Okay, I can’t work today.” I have to just shut it down and just be okay with not working. And I think that’s one of the hardest pieces, especially when you love your job, and I love my job and I love helping people and I love that this fabulously fighting movement is helping people. So I don’t usually take a step back from it, because of course you live it, but I’ve had to learn that I have to shut it down because yeah, you can live it 24/7 but you’ve got to take a step back.
Sara: Yeah, even if you love it you just need to be you sometimes. When did you decide to start sharing?
Fabianna: So it was probably about three years ago. I’ve been writing along my journey, but I haven’t really been sharing. I’ve been very open and honest with people, because of course people ask you when you have no hair – that comes up quite often.
Sara: Do people out of just sheer curiosity — do people just straight up ask?
Fabianna: Oh my gosh, yeah. I could literally write a book on the silly things people say to cancer patients, it’s quite amazing. I’ve gotten some really silly, silly responses too number one. So I don’t wear wigs because I can’t, my head become super sensitive when I’m on chemotherapy so it’s almost like my head feels like it’s on fire. So I’ve always done either bandanas or like one of those like mesh hats or something so I’ve never, but I won’t go out of the house bald, I just don’t feel comfortable with it; although, one time I did henna on my head or I had somebody henna my head and it was very cool, but I did go out of the house and I did get some really weird looks. But I was like, “You know what? Let’s just embrace this, let’s go with it.” But yeah, people feel — I don’t know what it is people feel comfortable coming up to you and going, “Oh, you must be going through cancer,” but I being very sarcastic sometimes really sarcastic I’m like, “No, why you ask? I don’t understand, why you’re asking that?”
Sara: That is so funny. I’ve heard people who have lots of visible tattoos talk about how strangers will sometimes just touch them and they’re like, “Oh, this is not an invitation to touch me.”
Fabianna: Yes, this is not an invitation.
Sara: But I have never asked about the hair thing. It’s funny what people take as an invitation to…
Fabianna: Yeah, and it’s the weird ways that they say it sometimes because I did have a gentleman — I was working at a salon and I did have a gentleman that came in, an older gentleman, and I was standing at the desk and when he came in he was like, “Mmm cancer, uh? And I was like, “No, why?”
Sara: You’re like “well, I wasn’t thinking about it at this moment, but thanks for the reminding me.”
Fabianna: Thanks for the reminder. I mean, it is what it is but unfortunately…Again, I think it’s the same thing with women being pregnant that it’s like that invitation to touch your belly and you’re like, “Why is a stranger touching my belly?”
Sara: It’s still my belly even though there’s a child inside.
Fabianna: Yes, exactly.
Sara: So you’ve started sharing, did you have an idea of creating a movement? Did you have a mission to educate and reach? How did it begin?
Fabianna: So I did have the idea of education, because I had so much of the knowledge of what I was doing and what helped me and what was helping me; but I did not have the idea that this movement was going to be so big. It’s been amazing, because so many people have reached out to me, and I’ve been able to reach out to so many people. And the book has definitely been huge, because it’s relatable. I didn’t want to write — this is the thing, I never wanted cancer to be that scary, like, you just want to end it now piece, do you know what I’m saying? Because when I was first diagnosed with cancer of course I wanted to read all of the books about cancer, and every single book I picked up I was like, “Oh my god, somebody kill me.” Because I was already hearing it from the doctors, I was already hearing all the, you know, what chemo is going to do and what this is going to do; but nobody was telling me how to put one foot in front of the other at the end of the day or a during the day.How do you put one foot in front of the other to be a functioning member of society that looks healthy and has it together and doesn’t look like they’re just going through life? I wanted to live life; I didn’t want to go through life. So the book has been huge, because I wrote it with that intention of living, not of crossing off the days on my calendar.
Sara: I think that’s magic about you. I think one of the most powerful things when I’ve been kind of reading and listening to some of your messages is that exact piece that you just hit on, that so often the stories we hear is “how I beat cancer.” And those also have a place, they’re marvelous, we need those stories, we need the hope, we need the education; but to kind of expose yourself and be like, “Hey, here’s how I’m living my life being a mother, being a businesswoman while I’m fighting cancer.” And it’s not like you’re waiting until this moment, I mean, I’m sure all of us — I hope with all my heart that you reach a resolution that this doesn’t have to be something always going on for you. And at the same time you’re showing people how it’s like okay, it’s not waiting till this chapter is over to start living your life.
Fabianna: Yeah, and I think a lot — and it’s not just people that are going through cancer, I think a lot of people do that.And I’ve recognize that so much that they’re not enjoying the day, they’re like, “Next week will be a better week,” why are we not making this week a good week? Why are we not making this moment amazing moment? Because again, there is no expiration date on our life; I can go out tomorrow and be hit by a bus. There is no expiration date, we don’t know when or we don’t know when the expiration date is, do you know what I’m saying?
Sara: Right.
Fabianna: So why not live it today instead of saying, “Well next week will be a great week,” or “I’m going to take that vacation in 2021 and that’ll be here,” do you know want I’m saying? Enjoy it now, find gratitude now; not ten years from now, because you’re going to look back and go,”oh, I really wish I enjoyed it then.”
Sara: I couldn’t agree more, and I also think it’s a very elegant the balance that you present on doing that exact thing; living now, loving this moment while you’re continuing to work and educate yourself towards that goal. So both are simultaneous; you don’t have to just be in the moment and not worry about anything else and you don’t have to just reach for a goal or a conclusion or a change before you can start being happy. It’s an elegant balance, and I’m sure it’s not balance all the time, but…
Fabianna: It’s not balanced all the time, no, it definitely is not. It definitely is work, don’t think that this isn’t — this is work 24/7. I literally have to be consciously aware of not only my moods, but I have to be consciously aware of where I am in the here and now, because I get caught up just like everybody else on “oh well, next week is this or next week is that,” and I get scared when I go to my scans and I have all those feelings just the way everybody else does, but it’s literally how you deal with it in the moment.
Sara: What advice would you give someone who is faced with a challenge and they’re thinking, “I just don’t have the energy or the motivation to do what I need to do,” it just seems all too much like when you get in those dark, dark places and it’s all just too overwhelming.
Fabianna: It is, yeah. So I’ll share a little story with you, so last week I had a really rough week one of my — because I’m metastatic I have tumors in a couple different places, and one of them live on my brain and I had a really, really rough week last week. I had such a rough week and I actually did a video of myself and I didn’t really know what the intention really was behind the video, because my thought process through fabulously fighting was just I want to show the good fight and I want to show the inspiration behind it so I’ve never really done the real like emotional piece of it. And I sat on the video for a couple days because I was like “Okay, what is this going to solve? What is this going to prove? What is this going to be?” So I ended up — I talked to a friend and he encouraged me to do it, he’s like “because people want to see the realness.” So I posted it and I got so many comments on people saying, “Thank you, thank you for being real and thank you for showing this piece of it.” Which was really eye opening and pulled me out of almost the funk that I was in, because of course you self-doubt, of course in some instances you start to self sabotage; but the biggest lesson that I had from last week was we’re all humans, we all have bad days, but a bad day is a bad day, it is what it is, it doesn’t have to continue, it’s literally the mental fight that goes on. So I had to do things that were going to bring me in a different direction so I did a lot more meditating, I did a lot more. I’ve been drawing lately, and that has been a huge piece for me just drawing and doing something other than being in the ick. So my biggest advice is do something that is going to take your mind off the crappiness that you’re feeling, whether it be go to the beach, whether you… do something that is going to make you feel a whole lot better.
Sara: Yeah, you can kind of anchor to some simple thing that you know you enjoy.
Fabianna: Exactly, or speak to somebody that you know is not going to allow you to stay… I’ve surrounded myself with some really, really good people, and sometimes…Again, I talk about that tag teaming; it’s almost like okay, I have a really good friend, you know, she’s my best friend, we’ve been friends for 28 years and sometimes I need to tap her in and be like, “okay, you need to wake me up out of this funk that I’m in.” And she’s really good at doing it.
Sara: That’s so important. I could ask you a million more things, but I want to switch gears a tiny bit with our time and being that it is Raw Food Magazine, our community loves food, and you have your raw food certification, you’ve done a lot with raw food, are there a few of your very favorite things? What are your favorite things to make and to eat?
Fabianna: So some of my favorite things consist with fruit. So I love me some fruit, and I pair fruit and vegetables a lot. So a lot of times I’ll go to like a mango salad, so I’ll do all the green leafy vegetables but then I’ll make a mango salsa and put it on the green leafy salad. And then I love kale, and what a lot of people don’t know about kale is that you need to massage the crap out of kale, it loves to be massaged as we all do. But massaging it literally takes that bitterness out of the kale. So I do a kale, and I add in some cranberries I’ll add in some nuts and seeds and then I’ll do like a lemon vinaigrette dressing on it. And I have a lot of recipes up on my website as well too, but I do a lot of juicing too. And juicing is one of my favorite things, although it does take quite a bit of time. So I try to juice for a couple of days, because juicing every day can get very tedious, and sometimes you’re like, “Oh God, I don’t think I want to juice anymore.”
Sara: Do you have a favorite juice that you make?
Fabianna: I do, yes. So it is kale, celery, ginger, lemon – no, I’m missing something else – apple, thanks. That’s my best friend and she’s like, “It’s Apple.”
Sara: She’s like,”I have seen you make it so many times…
Fabianna: But that recipe is actually up on my website as well. So if you go to the recipes you’ll find that, and I think it’s my green juice, whatever so I think it’s like Fab’s green juice or something.
Sara: Oh love it, Fab’s green juice sounds fabulous.
Fabianna: It is fabulous.
Sara: And before I let you go, is your digital home, what is your book called and how can people find it?
Fabianna: So people are going to be able to find it in any Barnes and Noble’s, we’ve now just gone into all 734 stores.
Sara: Congratulations.
Fabianna: Thanks, we’re super excited about that. So Fabulously Fighting you’ll be able to find in any Barnes and Noble, but you can also order it on or order it on And you can go through my website as well; I have links to the book and everything, so super easy to find. I just did a small book tour in the New England area, and we’re going to be branching out to New York soon. And so we’ll be more on a book tour from probably December and after.
Sara: Well, I encourage everyone listening to this to go check out Fabulously Fighting, check out her book, go to her website, send her an e-mail, connect with her on Facebook, tell her something that you’ve learned or how she has inspired you today. Thank you for being here, and thank you for the courage to get personal with people who might not have anyone else they can have as a confidant — that’s pretty powerful stuff.
Fabianna: Well, they can come to Fabulously Fighting at anytime and like you said, they can find me on all social media outlets, all you have to do is type in @fabfighting and you’ll be able to find me on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook as well. So I love answering questions, and I love helping anybody I can.
Sara: Thank you so much,
Fabianna: Thank you.
Meet Fabianna
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Reach out to Fabianna and tell her what you learned and what you loved most. She would love to hear from you!
Facebook: @fabfighting
Instagram: @fabfighting
Book: Fabulously Fighting: Living with cancer through love, laughter and honesty
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