For senior citizens, a healthy diet can be crucial to living a longer, fuller life, and raw food veganism can be one such diet; Medicines (US) Food Forum found that the type of protein ingestion senior vegans partake in reduces IDF-1 levels by up to 10%. IDF-1 is an important biological marker in diagnosing cancer and…
Taco Salads with Pecan “Taco Meat”
Taco Salads are loaded with protein, tons of vegetables and bursting with flavor and crunch! This meal can be made in 5-10 minutes. It’s a matter of how fast you can chop, pulse and top.
Power Detox Nut Milk
This power detoxifying recipe drink help cleanse the blood and detox the liver efficiently. Beetroots are highly known as the blood cleanser and a power cure for hangovers, also often used as a medicinal plant and as natural food coloring. High in Vitamin K, calcium, fiber, iron, potassium, folate and various minerals, start including this healing vegetable fruit to your diet today, especially in the mornings for full absorption and to benefit from the power nutrients as much as possible.
Exploring the US Vegan Food-Festival Scene
Veganism is skyrocketing in popularity with everyone from celebs like Beyonce to your Average Joe delving into plant-based diets, trying out new recipes and wanting to mingle with like-minded people. With the boosted appeal of this lifestyle came an increased desire for a larger range of consumer products as well as social interaction in…
How Many Vegans Are There?
If we look at the google trend for “vegans”, we can see that interest for this topic has grown significantly over the last 12 months. In the last 10 years the growth has seen 350% increases. There are now over 3% of US citizens that identify as vegan. In the UK there are around 600,000,…
Spinach Pesto Pizza
Votes: 2 Rating: 5 You: Rate this recipe! Votes: 2 Rating: 5 You: Rate this recipe! Print Recipe ServesServes 44 LevelLevel ModMod IngredientsIngreds. 1515 TotalTotal 4hr4hr Votes: 2 Rating: 5 You: Rate this recipe! Votes: 2 Rating: 5 You: Rate this recipe! Print Recipe ServesServes 44 LevelLevel ModMod IngredientsIngreds. 1515 TotalTotal 4hr4hr This vegan…
Almond Banana Brittle Cookie Squares
The aroma of the Almond Banana Brittle Cookie Squares drying in the dehydrator is equivalent to baking chocolate chip cookies in the oven! One of two things almost happened… I would pitch a tent in my pantry to camp out below the dehydrator or I was going to bring the machine into my bedroom. It was just heavenly. One thing I noticed when I had switched to a high raw diet was that my sense of smell really developed and trust me, this bar caused my nose to go into hyperdrive mode!
These bars are firm, crispy and chewy all in one. My husband loved the ones with chocolate the most, but then he does love chocolate. The combination of the almonds, bananas and chocolate created a wonderful medley of flavors. Bob and I bantered back and forth a bit as to what to call them… bars? cookies? He thought they were too thin to be bars and well, I didn’t think the square shape reminded me of a cookie. We playfully duked it out… we met in the middle… Almond Banana Brittle Cookie Squares. LOL He walked away smiling as he went to eat another one.
So call them bars, call them cookies, call I’ll want one when you make them.
Antipasto Bites
A handful of cashew nuts a day in the diet would provide enough of these minerals (manganese, potassium, copper, iron, magnesium, zinc, and selenium) and may help prevent deficiency diseases. Never skip the tradition of antipasto again. These ANTIPASTO BITES are full of all the traditional flavors you crave!
Raw Vegan Tacos
Raw Vegan Taco Salad is totally to-LIVE-for! This gorgeous and delicious meal is a veritable cocktail of super food power.With freshness this big and flavors so bold it’s no wonder the plant based living foods featured in Raw Vegan Taco Salad have such amazing healing powers on our bodies inside and out.