Spring is here! It’s that time of the year again where flowers are in bloom, and all kinds of fresh new produce are available on the market. Wintertime was a season for everything roast and summer will be blessing us with beach barbecues and tropical coolers. These festive seasons make sure our hearts and stomachs…
Nutrition Facts
The Benefits of Eating Mushrooms for Your Health
Mushrooms have a number of health benefits. It was a special food for the royalty in ancient Egypt, and warriors of Rome used to have mushrooms to gain strength. carrying its age-old benefits since a long time. However, now we find mushroom helpful to treat high cholesterol, diabetes, prostate cancer, breast cancer, blood pressure, etc. It…
Raw Chocolate and Why Should You Be Eating It?
It’s estimated that in the UK, each of us eats around 10kg of chocolate every year. That’s more than any other country in Europe. Britain, it seems, is a country of chocoholics. But if you’ve ever taken the time to look at what is actually contained in a normal chocolate bar, you might be surprised…
7 Anti-inflammatory Foods
Inflammation! What is it? Why is it? What does it do to your body, and what does it mean for something to be anti-inflammatory? If you’ve ever asked yourself any of these questions then stay tuned, because today we’re talking all about anti-inflammatory foods. Many common chronic illnesses are caused by excessive inflammation, so it’s…
The Truth About Vitamin B12 Deficiency
Vitamin B12. We’ve all heard about it, but how many of us actually know what it is, and how to get it? What happened to Bs 1 through 11, and why don’t you ever hear about them? Is it true that you can get B12 by eating dirt? If you’ve ever wondered about any of…
8 Exotic Fruits You Should Go Out And Try
The world, they say, is getting smaller every day. Local food and farmer’s markets are gaining a lot of ground as people become more environmentally and health conscious, which is great. But the age of globalization does have it’s upsides. One is that we’ve now got access to all kinds of exotic fruits that could…
7 Most Overrated Raw Foods
In these days of global markets, slick ad campaigns, and a growing health-consciousness, there’s a lot of buzz about food. And why not? We are what we eat after all. But when it comes to trends, smoke doesn’t always mean fire. And all that hype can add up to a pretty serious grocery bill. So…
Nutrition Facts
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