This smoothie may be the smoothie to end all smoothies, but that’s not why it’s called the Omega Smoothie! With delicious and nutritious chia and hemp seeds, this divine concoction will provide you with all sorts of essential fatty acids, not to mention antioxidants, fiber, protein, and a wide variety of nutrients and minerals. And you’ll need all these healthful nutrients as we head into the summer months of long days and fun nights.
Chia is an awesome little seed. They say they make good pets. I’m not so sure about that, but they do add a lovely gel-like thickness to recipes. Great in smoothies, these little things absorb liquid super fast and will expand to several times their original size. As a source of Omega-3s, they’ve got the advantage over flax seeds of not having to be ground up to be digested.
The rest of the Omega Smoothie ingredients need no introduction! Bananas are the all-stars of the smoothie world, and anything with fresh coconut water is bound to be energizing and refreshing. The dates add a bit of sweetness the way only dates can, and cinnamon and nutmeg round it all off with a subtle hint of spice.
The Omega Smoothie makes for a fine day at the beach. Or, if you don’t have a beach near you, a great way to visualize yourself on one anyways!