Going green? Always make sure you have a “rawnola” on hand. This super-nutty, super-fruity raw vegan buckwheat granola recipe is a crowd pleaser!
Banana Buckwheat Bars
These buckwheat granola bars are super easy to make, although they do require some advance prep time.
Fruity Colada Green Smoothie
It’s fruity, it’s green, it’s got a bit of the Colada spirit, but it’s a smoothie! A lovely treat for the springtime.
Mint Chocolate Nice Cream With Chocolate Sauce
Sometimes life calls for ice cream. And sooometimes, it calls for ice cream with a delicious chocolate sauce! This raw vegan mint chocolate chip ice cream is for those times!
Strawberries Banana Ice Cream Brownie Toppings
It’s amazing what you can do with a few frozen bananas and strawberries. And some cacao, of course! A delicious and totally healthful strawberries and cream brownie ice cream treat!
Fruity Sushi
Sushi is often associated with rawness… but a different kind of rawness. This raw fruity sushi is the right kind of rawness! Tasty fruitees wrapped in more fruitees with a hint of coconut and cacao — a lovely and far-flung take on a favorite.
Almond Apricot Bread
Almond pulp is the byproduct from making almond milk, and it’s also the secret ingredient for making this delicious raw vegan apricot bread! This recipe is a bit involved, but completely worth it! Plus, it’s an excuse to make some homemade almond milk. Yields an 8.5 x 4.25 x 2.5″ loaf.
Coconut Lime Tarts
You take some lime, you take some coconut, and you mix it all up wth some avocados and bananas, and there you go. Simple, delicious, flavorful tarts for less than $10! Take a break from winter with these fruity tropical tarts!
Nice Cream
Mini Cinnamon Banana Cheesecakes
With the holiday season right around the corner, it’s time to think of some mind-blowingly awesome raw desserts that you can impress your friends and family with! Try these Mini Cinnamon Banana Cheesecakes! They’re great for sharing.
Mango Banana Pudding
This recipe couldn’t be simpler. Natural, healthy, and delicious: there’s no need to complicate things. This Mango Banana Pudding is a great snack or a nutritious dessert or even for breakfast. Pudding! Forget about the stuff that comes in a plastic cup!
You can customize your pudding with vanilla, cinnamon, some berries, or whatever other flavors you like. Adding some chia seeds will make it a bit thicker, too.
Banana Crepe Wraps
Oh, the wonderful things you can do with a dehydrator! You can use these banana wraps as a delicious raw vegan crepe, or you could enjoy them simply as fruit leather. Who knows what other creative uses might be found for a delectable banana wrap!
Treacle Tarts with Ice Cream
This traditional English dessert is a classic favorite amongst children! If your kids (or yourself) are into young wizards, you may recognize it from Harry Potter. This raw vegan version of treacle tarts is a bit healthier than the conventional recipe!
Apricots and Spiced Banana Ice Cream
Apricots are maybe not the most lauded of the soft fruits, but they are definitely one of the best! Plus they’re good for you, too! Fiber, calcium, iron… They make for a yummy delicious little bowl for your banana ice cream!
Banana Blueberry Ice Cream
One of the best things about raw food is that you get to eat delicious desserts that are good for you! The fiber of blueberries helps balance your blood sugar levels, and you get all kinds of nutritious benefits from the wholesome, natural ingredients. More importantly, it’s ice cream!!